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Fredric Paige Traveling Hero

Starting on October 22, 2014 Fredric Paige is introduced to us.  Fredric Paige is a traveling hero because he only visits our kingdom he doesn't live in the kingdom.  The cool thing about him is that he has a chance of uncovering crowns when he explores Places of Legend.

You can buy him from the Marketplace for 2 hours at a time.  You can explore as many times you want if you start the exploration within the 2 hour time frame.  Example: you could send him to the Butterfly Oracle (1 hour to explore) twice on one hire.  But if you exceed the 2 hour time limit you must rehire him from the Marketplace.  The very first time that you hire him he will be free, any other time and he costs 12 whole crowns.  

The probability of getting a crown when Fredric explores is shown on the right side of the screen just like any other item.

When you first employ his help, Yvette will help you along the way with quests to show you what Fredric can do.  I wonder if Yvette is going to cheat on Rafael with this weird ghost looking guy LOL.

Fredric's lockbox is at the Well of Wishes.

Fredric's key can be found by sending Yvette to the Dragon Ruin.

Legend of the Cursed Frog

Special Quests - Halloween 2014
Legend of the Cursed Frog / Magnus' Mystery Crate / Carving Pumpkins

There is a special Halloween quest that starts on October 16th, 2014.  It is only available for a limited time.  This is much like the Book of Lore glass window quests that Lorelei tasks us with.

We are to send Magnus and Rafael to any Place of Legend to explore and find shards of glass to complete a window in the Hall of Heroes.  

Hint: I would suggest sending Rafael and Magnus to different places of legend simultaneously for a faster search.  The quickest and easiest way to get shards is to keep exploring the Butterfly Oracle.  
Also I would suggest to send the hero that lives in the area to the Place of Legend with them.  Example: Take Yvette to the Friendship Arena with either Rafael or Magnus for a better chance of getting a shard because Yvette lives in the same area of the Kingdom as the Friendship Arena.

At the bottom of the screen there is a progress bar to track how many shards of glass are found.  Click on this bar to open a larger screen with information on the allotted time left and the number of shards found.  This window will need 15 shards to complete.  The roman numerals I = 1, VII = 7, and XV = 15.

Once you have completed the whole window (15 shards) you will get the reward of 3 black pearls, 17600 gold, 1000xp, 5 crowns, 1 gold pearl, and a special honey hive that gives you 5 honey and 1 candle wax.

Pumpkin Carving Special Quest - Return of the Cursed Frog

After the 5 days have elapsed from Magnus' Mystery Crate a new pumpkin carving quest appears.  It is also timed and works just like most other special quests in that you have to collect 2 rare, 2 uncommon, and 2 common pumpkins for the end reward.

First we need to put a pumpkin patch in our kingdom.  It can be found in the Marketplace and is free for the taking.

Our progress on the pumpkins we collect is shown by either clicking the pumpkin patch or the bar at the bottom of your game screen.  We need to collect 2 common, 2 uncommon, and 2 rare pumpkins to get the reward of a bountiful scarecrow. The only hint we get about the bountiful scarecrow at this point is that it gives a boost to our crops and animals.  Sometimes when we turn in the weeks ingredients we will not receive a pumpkin but instead get rewards of treasure (if we are lucky we will get the week's bonus prize instead of coins and crowns).  This screen tells you everything you need to know about the quest.  Your time remaining for the week is shown above the weeks ingredients and click the ingredients to find out how to get them.

Hint: For a faster way of getting carving knives, send Rafael and Magnus to the Butterfly Oracle and the Gateway of Luck over and over again.

Studded carving gloves = made at the Tailor with 2 opal, 1 plain glove and 25 min
Seed catching bowl = made at the Woodshop with 2 squash, 4 log and 15 min
Spellbound Squash = made at the Trail Kitchen with 4 squash, 1 forest charm and 5 min
Enchanted Shield = made at the Jeweler with 1 wooden shield, 1 stardust and 30 min

There are a few simple assignments to help along the way to carve pumpkins...

Pumpkin Carving

To carve a pumpkin click the pumpkin 3 times after turning in your items.

My Lucky Charms

Get a squash patch from the Marketplace for 3,000 gold and 5 minutes of build time.

The Waning Woodsman

Glamour for Light and Bounty

Spirit the Unicorn

Bayoo wants us to buy Spirit from the Marketplace.  Spirit is a hero unicorn that costs 20 white pearls, 2 black pearls, and 5 gold pearls.  First, get 6 purple spangle leaves and make 2 purple spangle elixirs at the Apothecary.  Also have at least 5 white pearls to advance to part 2 of this 3 part quest.

For part 2, have 2 gold pearls, brew 1 mandrake carrot elixir at the Apothecary, and buy and build Spirit's stable from the Marketplace.

After Spirit is living in your kingdom, you can send the unicorn to the Dragon Ruin, Flower Tower, and Elemental Nexus to complete this mission.

Getting Wrecked

At level 35 and after the completion of Kraken the Code Tanya gives us the task of Getting Wrecked.  Although this is not the kind of "getting wrecked" that involves countless amounts of alcohol, it's still pretty fun!  It's a 4 part quest that will help us through the resources and products available at level 35.

First, buy and build a magnetite mine from the Marketplace, mine 5 lodestones, and make 1 lodestone charm at the Charm Maker workshop.

In part 2, buy and build the Exploration Gear workshop from the Marketplace for 320,000 gold coins and 24 hours time.  Have 6 raw stone in your possession and make a water compass at the Exploration Gear workshop.

Buy and build a coconut grove from the Marketplace (level 36, 475000 gold).  Make 3 coconut apple crisps at the Trail Kitchen and 5 ropes at the Exploration Gear workshop.

The Pirate Wreck Place of Legend is due South of Dragon's Clutch in Sunnyside Cove.

Kraken the Code

After Tanya's Charming Tanya quest we are given a new mission, Kraken the Code.  Make 1 amber charm at the Charm Maker workshop.  Also we need to make a turquoise-button pouch at the Tailor.  Send Tanya to the Kraken Cave.

Next quest from Tanya is Getting Wrecked.

Charming Tanya

Charming Tanya rewards us with 3 crowns!!  Buy and build the Charm Maker workshop from the Marketplace.  It costs 125,000 gold to buy and 24 hours to build.  Carve 1 turquoise kraken at the Stone Carver, and use it to make the seafarer's charm at the Charm Maker.

Next mission is Kraken the Code.

Udderly Cute

After Tanya's quest, Defying the Kraken, she sends us on another one part quest, Udderly Cute.  You need to have 1 goat pasture in the kingdom, and with the goat milk make 4 goat cheese at the Dairy Barn and 2 trail snacks at the Trail Kitchen.

Next mission is Charming Tanya.

Cove Crafting

After completion of Dodging Tentacles by Magnus, his next quest sends us to the Marketplace to buy and build the Stone Quarry.  It costs a whopping 550,000 gold.  Make 2 mortar & pestle and 1 sea gem cup (level 35) at the Stone Carver.