Here you can search, browse, create alliances from the first tab. The second tab is for looking at the top alliances on Castleville. The third tab is any alliance requests that you might have.
Once you have signed up with an alliance or started your own, you can request knights from the other members of your alliance. Knights are heroes that you only have for a limited amount of time and they retrieve gold coins on their exploration of places as well as contribute to item findings.
Some alliances are extremely active and if you happen to luck out and get to be in an active alliance you can ask them for items to sell you in the Seatrade and they will bend over backwards to try to help out. Of course you must help out others as well to stay in these alliances because they don't like anyone to take advantage of their generosity.
The Royal Embassy no longer exists as of December 2014. The space that formerly held the embassy now holds the Event Center.
All alliance chat and management is accessed through the alliance chat button on the right side of your game screen. The update walk-through will show you how to navigate through the alliances.