After Bluebelle finishes Asking the Oracle, she moves on to make her fairy spell in The Spell of Revival. For her spell she needs enchanted nectar from a butterfly bush in the Marketplace and 1 lucky clover potion made at the Alchemist.
In part two we need to make a iridescent potion at the Alchemist, have at least 1 enchanted amber (can be gotten at the Butterfly Oracle), and expand to own the land that contains the Flower Tower in the North West part of Fairy Realm.
"Adventures in Castleville Legends" is a blog that goes through the game as I play it. Obviously I cannot write about parts of the game that I haven't played yet. I make posts according to my observations of the game with technical and logistic facts as well as my opinion of game strategy. On the left side of the blog screen you can find quick links to quests, explorations, and marketplace for a faster and superior navigation of this blog.
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Butterfly Oracle
The butterfly Oracle place of legend is located to the West of Fairy Falls in the Fairy Realm. You are requested to explore this area in Bluebelle's Asking the Oracle quest and Magnus' On the Scent quest. It costs 57,000 gold coins and level 23 to expand to the land that contains the Butterfly Oracle.
You will need 1 dragonwing potion, 1 rose petal, and 1 jasmine flower to enter the Butterfly Oracle. You can travel there with 6 heroes and you get 187xp per hero that you send in. It only takes 1 hour to explore. You also have the chance of bringing back enchanted amber, silver wire, jade clover, silver vault hinge, and golden vault padlock.
You will need 1 dragonwing potion, 1 rose petal, and 1 jasmine flower to enter the Butterfly Oracle. You can travel there with 6 heroes and you get 187xp per hero that you send in. It only takes 1 hour to explore. You also have the chance of bringing back enchanted amber, silver wire, jade clover, silver vault hinge, and golden vault padlock.
On the Scent
After Magnus' quest Making Scents the next quest is called On the Scent. He too wants to go see the Butterfly Oracle. Send Magnus to the oracle's place of legend, get 1 enchanted amber, and make an amber & opal ring at the Jewelers.
Now he wants us to buy a butterfly bush at the Marketplace, harvest it for enchanted nectar, and sell any 6 goods to Myra's Perfumes and Potions. Do this part at the same time as Bluebelle's The Spell of Revival quest.
Now he wants us to buy a butterfly bush at the Marketplace, harvest it for enchanted nectar, and sell any 6 goods to Myra's Perfumes and Potions. Do this part at the same time as Bluebelle's The Spell of Revival quest.
Greenleaf's Big Adventure
Greenleaf is a hero dragon that you buy from the Marketplace for 5 white pearls, 2 black pearls, and 1 gold pearl. You can buy him during a quest from Liang called Greenleaf the Curious. Greenleaf's Big Adventure has him traveling to three different places of legend... the Friendship Arena, the Fairy Falls, and the Swamp Totem.
Making Scents
Magnus is back on track with clearing the gloom from the kingdom and finding the dark wizard who created the gloom. You will need to be at level 22 to complete this quest. This is a good one to do at the same time as Asking the Oracle by Bluebelle. Buy a Perfumer and a bed of roses at the Marketplace. Collect 6 (2 harvests) dragonwing pods from your dragonwing flower patch.
The next 2 are pretty self explanatory, get fairy vials from Bluebelles house and make some easy perfumes at the Perfumer. Then, once you reach level 23 you can buy a bed of jasmine from the Marketplace and make jasmine perfume with it's flowers. Sell 5 things to Myra at her Potions and Perfumes market.
The next 2 are pretty self explanatory, get fairy vials from Bluebelles house and make some easy perfumes at the Perfumer. Then, once you reach level 23 you can buy a bed of jasmine from the Marketplace and make jasmine perfume with it's flowers. Sell 5 things to Myra at her Potions and Perfumes market.
Asking the Oracle
Bluebelle's second quest is Asking the Oracle. Buy an Alchemist from the Marketplace, get 9 fairy vials from Bluebelle's house in the Fairy Realm and make 2 dragonwing potions (2 dragonwing pod, 1 fairy vial, 3 min) at the Alchemist.
This second part of the Asking the Oracle quest is a good one to do along with Making Scents and the On the Scent quest by Magnus. Buy a bed of wild roses and a bed of jasmine from the Marketplace and expand to the land that contains the Butterfly Oracle.
Thirdly, Bluebelle needs to make a visit to the oracle to ask a question. Use the Perfumer to make 2 rose perfumes and 2 jasmine perfumes, then visit the oracle with Bluebelle as one of the hero explorers.
This second part of the Asking the Oracle quest is a good one to do along with Making Scents and the On the Scent quest by Magnus. Buy a bed of wild roses and a bed of jasmine from the Marketplace and expand to the land that contains the Butterfly Oracle.
Thirdly, Bluebelle needs to make a visit to the oracle to ask a question. Use the Perfumer to make 2 rose perfumes and 2 jasmine perfumes, then visit the oracle with Bluebelle as one of the hero explorers.
Greenleaf the Curious
Greenleaf the dragon is Fernfang's uncle. Liang the dragon merchant wants you to get enough pearls in order to buy Greenleaf (5 white pearls, 2 black, 1 gold) from the Marketplace.
Fairy Falls
Fairy Falls is the first place of legend that we explore in the Fairy Realm. It is located right above Bluebelle's house. The expansion costs level 21 and 39,000 gold.
The Fairy Falls place of legend is most beautiful. It takes 2 dragonwing torches from the Woodshop and 3 axes from Rafael's house to explore. It also takes only 3 hours to explore! Three heroes can go to Fairy Falls at once and you have a chance of bringing back some really helpful items... 625xp per hero, everlasting bubbles, silver vault hinge, golden vault padlock, stardust, and forest charm.
Myra's Potions and Perfumes
Myra will buy items at her area in the Fairy Realm, Myra's Potions and Perfumes.
It follows the same format as Myra's Wilderness Faire and Myra's Forest Caravan, but she buys different items here.
Below is an alphabetical list of prices at Myra's Potions and Perfumes...
Item = Price per item sold, total xp per sell
dragonwing perfume = 880 gold per perfume bottle, 39xp per sell
dragonwing potion = 420 gold per potion, 38 xp per sell
enchanted nectar = 82 gold, 41xp
everlasting bubbles = 2000 gold, 190xp
fizzy apple juice = 770 gold, 42xp
fizzy blueberry juice = 2400 gold, 42xp
fizzy lavender nectar = 1100 gold, 43xp
iridescent potion = 2900 gold, 205xp
jasmine perfume = 1500 gold, 40xp
lavender = 17 gold, 43xp
lavender perfume = 390 gold, 43xp
lucky clover potion = 1200 gold, 205xp
magical fizzy lemonade = 11200 gold, 235xp
rose perfume = 340 gold, 39xp
rose petal = 11 gold, 39xp
spellbound perfume = 3400 gold, 225xp
stardust potion = 2800 gold, 190xp
sweet'n'sour potion = 650 gold, 38xp
true blue potion = 370 gold, 38xp
It follows the same format as Myra's Wilderness Faire and Myra's Forest Caravan, but she buys different items here.
Below is an alphabetical list of prices at Myra's Potions and Perfumes...
Item = Price per item sold, total xp per sell
dragonwing perfume = 880 gold per perfume bottle, 39xp per sell
dragonwing potion = 420 gold per potion, 38 xp per sell
enchanted nectar = 82 gold, 41xp
everlasting bubbles = 2000 gold, 190xp
fizzy apple juice = 770 gold, 42xp
fizzy blueberry juice = 2400 gold, 42xp
fizzy lavender nectar = 1100 gold, 43xp
iridescent potion = 2900 gold, 205xp
jasmine perfume = 1500 gold, 40xp
lavender = 17 gold, 43xp
lavender perfume = 390 gold, 43xp
lucky clover potion = 1200 gold, 205xp
magical fizzy lemonade = 11200 gold, 235xp
rose perfume = 340 gold, 39xp
rose petal = 11 gold, 39xp
spellbound perfume = 3400 gold, 225xp
stardust potion = 2800 gold, 190xp
sweet'n'sour potion = 650 gold, 38xp
true blue potion = 370 gold, 38xp
Perfecting Potions
After you have rescued Bluebelle as requested by Magnus. His next quest will help you learn about alchemy. First collect 3 fairy vials from Bluebelle's home in the Fairy Realm. Buy an Alchemist from the Marketplace for 45,000 gold and get 1 batch of stardust.
The second part of this quest will request that we make specifically 2 dragonwing potions and 1 stardust potion at the Alchemist. We will also sell Myra any 3 items at her place in the Fairy Realm, Myra's Potions & Perfumes.
Got Magic?
Bluebelle's very first quest is Got Magic?. She wants to go to the first area of legend in Fairy Realm, Fairy Falls. Harvest from your dragonwing flowers twice to get 6 pods.
After you've expanded your land to include the Fairy Falls and completed the other two tasks of harvesting dragonwing pods, the second part will ask you to make dragonwing torches and explore the Fairy Falls with Bluebelle. When you explore this area you have a chance of getting rewarded with everlasting bubbles.
After you've expanded your land to include the Fairy Falls and completed the other two tasks of harvesting dragonwing pods, the second part will ask you to make dragonwing torches and explore the Fairy Falls with Bluebelle. When you explore this area you have a chance of getting rewarded with everlasting bubbles.
Pearls of Wisdom
Pearls of Wisdom is a quest that you get when you first meet Liang (level 20). It will help you along the way to figuring out exactly how Liang works his merchant stand. First you need to expand to his property (level 20, 2500 gold), then fill his orders to get pearls.
Once you reach level 20 you are asked to meet Liang the dragon merchant. First expand to his property... it only costs 2500 gold to expand. It is located in Dragon's Roost just across the river from the Sea Trade building.
Liang kind of works like Glurb does. Go to his Dragon Merchant Stand and he will ask you for items that you can sell him in exchange for pearls. He buys these items at the same price that Myra would buy them. He gives you a limited amount of time to get these items. Once you get some pearls you can buy dragons at the marketplace.
Liang kind of works like Glurb does. Go to his Dragon Merchant Stand and he will ask you for items that you can sell him in exchange for pearls. He buys these items at the same price that Myra would buy them. He gives you a limited amount of time to get these items. Once you get some pearls you can buy dragons at the marketplace.
Once you sell him all your goods he will reward you and then he will take off in his hot air balloon to return again in 4 hours. The good thing about this over Glurb is that it will tell you what Liang is going to want to buy next time.
Spring Eggs
This is an Easter quest that started on 4/9/2014 for the spring season.

For this special quest you need to buy the Nest of Spring Eggs from the Marketplace under the Decorations tab and the carrot patch under the Resources tab.
Both of these items will be necessary to do any part of this special quest.
Once you have got the nest of eggs and the carrot patch (2 min to build; 1 water and 5 min for 5 carrots) in your kingdom, click on your nest and your game screen will pop up with an egg hatching guide.
The guide will tell you at the top how much time you have for this entire quest. You are shown which items you need to make in order to hatch an egg. This will be a mixture of specialty items (just for this quest) and regular items. You have a limited time to make these ingredients and your countdown is shown above the ingredient list. If you hatch all 6 different bunnies and jackalopes, then you are gifted the baby dragon Iris... isn't she so cute!
I have to be honest at this point... I stopped during the Eggs-travagance quest because I don't want two of those bunnies of each color taking up space in my kingdom. Your Marketplace can house 2 and the other 2 you have to put in your kingdom. Happy Easter 2014 everyone!

For this special quest you need to buy the Nest of Spring Eggs from the Marketplace under the Decorations tab and the carrot patch under the Resources tab.
Both of these items will be necessary to do any part of this special quest.
Once you have got the nest of eggs and the carrot patch (2 min to build; 1 water and 5 min for 5 carrots) in your kingdom, click on your nest and your game screen will pop up with an egg hatching guide.
The guide will tell you at the top how much time you have for this entire quest. You are shown which items you need to make in order to hatch an egg. This will be a mixture of specialty items (just for this quest) and regular items. You have a limited time to make these ingredients and your countdown is shown above the ingredient list. If you hatch all 6 different bunnies and jackalopes, then you are gifted the baby dragon Iris... isn't she so cute!
You will also find a small guide at the bottom of your main game screen that you can reference quickly to see how many bunnies you've hatched so far.
Tulips can be found by sending Yvette to explore certain areas of legend.
Carrot oat bar (2 carrot, 3 oat, 2 min), carrot pancake (2 carrot, 6 oat, 10 min), carrot and apple salad (4 carrot, 6 apple, 2 min), carrot soup (3 carrot, 2 cream, 30 min), golden carrot (2 carrot, 3 midas glove, 15 min), carrot and blueberry salad (2 carrot, 6 blueberry, 1 hr), and honey-glazed carrots (4 carrot, 4 honey, 4 hrs) can be made at the Trail Kitchen.
Carrot cake (2 carrot, 1 butter, 1 hr), carrot bread (4 carrot, 4 oat, 2 egg, 2 hr), and lemon carrot jam (4 carrot, 2 lemon, 6 hr) can be made at the Bakery.
Lucky carrot necklace (1 golden carrot, 1 jade clover, 30 min) can be made at the Jeweler. Stardust carrot potions (2 carrot, 1 stardust, 6 hrs) can be made at the Alchemist.
Myra will buy some of these items as well...
carrot and apple salad = 31 gold, 23xp
carrot bread = 1206 gold, 27xp
carrot and apple salad = 31 gold, 23xp
carrot bread = 1206 gold, 27xp
carrot cake = 648 gold, 27xp
enchanted carrot juice = 1233 gold, 42xp
enchanted carrot juice = 1233 gold, 42xp
honey-glazed carrots = 1260 gold, 28xp
lemon carrot jam = 1836 gold, 34xp
stardust carrot potion = 1959 gold, 38xp
stardust carrot potion = 1959 gold, 38xp
Once you have all the ingredients to hatch an egg, you will be asked to tap the egg 3 times to make it hatch. Now you can place your bunny rabbit in your kingdom or sometimes you might get a treasure instead (blah).
Tan Bunny (common) = feed 1 carrot and wait 30 min for 1 ladder
White Bunny (common) = feed 2 carrot and wait 15 min for 1 plain torch
White & Black Bunny (uncommon) = feed 4 carrot and wait 1 hr for 2 eggs
Brown & White Bunny (uncommon) = feed 2 carrot and wait 1 hr for 1 butter
Teal Jackalope (rare) = feed 6 carrot and wait 10 hrs for 1 stardust
Pink Jackalope (rare) = feed 6 carrot and wait 10 hrs for 1 golden opal necklace
Now you have additional small quests that will help you along the way. They are given to you by Yvette and numbered for 5 weeks that the large Spring Eggs quest expands.
Below you will find Week 1's quests...
3 mystic tulips, 3 golden apples, and 4 carrot oat bars to hatch an egg
Week 2 quests
2 mystic tulips, 3 opal-studded cup, and 4 carrot pancakes to hatch an egg
Week 3 quests
2 mystic tulips, 4 carrot & apple salad, and 2 stardust lanterns to hatch an egg
Week 4
2 mystic tulips, 3 carrot soup, 1 golden opal necklace to hatch an egg
Week 5
2 carrot & blueberry salad, 3 mystic tulips, and 1 golden carrot to hatch an egg
I have to be honest at this point... I stopped during the Eggs-travagance quest because I don't want two of those bunnies of each color taking up space in my kingdom. Your Marketplace can house 2 and the other 2 you have to put in your kingdom. Happy Easter 2014 everyone!
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