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Treasure Hunt

After you have gotten Rill from the Marketplace in Liang's last quest, Rill the Wise, his next quest has you sending specific heroes to scpecific Places of Legend.

Send Bayoo, Bluebelle, and Rill to Elemental Nexus in Mossback Swamp
Bayoo = level 27, Bluebelle = level 21, Rill = level 25

Send Tanya, Rill, and Greenleaf to Kraken Cave
Tanya = level 31, Rill = level 25, Greenleaf = level 20

Send Leif, Bayoo, Greenleaf, and Rill to Forest Owl Spire
Leif = level 37, Bayoo = level 27, Greenleaf = level 20, Rill = level 25

Hint: This is a good one to do at the same time as Seeking the Swamp Mandala and A Thrill for Rill because both of those quests have you send Rill and Bayoo to the Elemental Nexus.