Expand your land to include the Gateway of Luck. Make 3 applesauces at the Trail Kitchen and 2 ladders (2 log, 2 min) at the Woodshop.
Send Rafael to the Gateway of Luck along with Magnus if you want to (30 min), you will receive a iron key for this quest. Doing this will also help you complete task 2 of finding a Midas Glove. You must do this before you can make a golden apple because the golden apple ingredients are 1 apple and 1 midas glove.
Part 3 of All Keyed Up requires us to own the Dairy Barn so that we can make cheese (level 8, 6 milk, 15 min). We also need chickens (level 8) to get two backwoods scrambles from the Trail Kitchen and we must send Rafael back to the Ancient Watchtower (1 torch, 3 min). The cheese takes quite a while to make since cheese takes 15 minutes and it needs 6 milk, which come from cows, who eat oats.